Phase I
Phase II
11-14 days before sowing
1 day before sowing
Plowing should be done 3 days after flooding
1st Harrowing – 3 days after plowing
2nd Harrowing – 3 days after 1st Harrowing
Final Harrowing – 3 days after 2nd Harrowing
Prepare 100m2-130m2 for every 5 kg of Jackpot 102 hybrid seeds or 300m2-400m2 per 15 kg seeds a day before sowing.
Construct 5-10cm(2-4inches) raised seedbed of approximately 1m width.
Construct drainage channels (40 cm) between seedbeds to drain excess water to attain vigorous seedlings.
Compare with the practice of the cooperator and take down notes to check the difference
3 days before soaking
3 days before soaking
18-21 days after sowing
2 days after transplanting
15-20 days after transplanting
Place the seeds in a durable sack (half-filled). Soak the seeds for 12-24 hours in clean water. Ensure that seeds have imbibed enough water which leads to swelling and breaking of seed coat.
If not soaked in flowing water, change with clean water every 6 hours.
After soaking, drain the water then incubate seeds for 12-24 hours in a shaded area. Cover with any available material to facilitate incubation. To prevent heat build-up, do not pile sacks on top of each other. Gradually turn the seeds upside-down
Sow the pre-germinated seeds on the seedbed at the rate of 5 kg per 100m2-130m2 or 15 kg per 300 m2 -400m2.
1st Fertilization in wet bed should be done 7 Days After Sowing (DAS) with the delivery of 3kg 21-0-0/ 300-400sqm.
2nd Fertilization in wet bed should be done 14 Days After Sowing (DAS) with the delivery of 3kg 21-0-0/ 300-400sqm.
You may apply LEADFORCE ULTRA 3G on the seedbed for initial protection of seedlings from insect pests
Create two seed beds, one for JACKPOT 102 and one for the preferred hybrid variety of farmer
Ensure that the field was thoroughly prepared and evenly leveled before transplanting to achieve uniform plant height, flowering and maturity resulting in high yield.
Pull and transplant the seedlings from seedbed 18-21 days after sowing.
Transplant 1 seedling per hill - do not split the seedlings.
The recommended plant spacing is 20 x 20 cm during WET season and 15 x 20 cm during the DRY season.
Choose two adjacent 1000sqm (if possible) plots for easier monitoring of observations on JACKPOT 102 and farmer’s preferred hybrid variety
Flood the field at 2-3cm high
Mix 1 bag of Urea fertilizer (46-0-0) 50kg + 1 bag complete (14- 14-14) 50kg with 16.7kg bag of LEADFORCE ULTRA 3G*
Broadcast evenly to cover 1ha
LEADFORCE ULTRA 3G will serve as initial protection to early infestation of stemborer, glh, bph, leaffolder
Check the germination rate and compare with farmer’s preferred hybrid seeds.
Check the seedling conditions in comparison with farmer’s preferred hybrid seeds. Take note of the growth and development. Look for patches if seeds were distributed evenly on the seed bed.
What we want to see here is the better survivability of JACKPOT 102 seedlings than the other commercially available seeds.
Check within 5-10 after transplanting which has better tolerance on transplant shock
JACKPOT 102: Yellowing Light green Dark Green
Farmer’s Variety: Yellowing, Light green, dark green
Take pictures
Check within 5-7 days after application which has better leaf color (using leaf color chart) and crop stand (thickness of tillers)
Take pictures
30-35 days after transplanting
40-45 days after transplanting
3 weeks before the harvest
Apply 1 bag of Urea fertilizer (46-0-0) 50kg + 1 bag complete (14- 14-14) 50kg
Broadcast evenly to cover 1ha
Apply 1 bag of Muriate of Potash (0-0-60) x 50kg + 1bag of 21-0-0 (50kg)
Broadcast evenly to cover 1ha
Release water
Follow standard harvesting protocol.
Make sure you are present and get the total weight of the harvest
(If possible, take data per bag harvested)
Don’t do crop cut in taking the yield (it provides unreliable weight data to represent the whole area planted).
Check within 5-7 days after application which has better leaf color (using leaf color chart), crop stand.
Choose randomly at least 10-20 samples per variety, and count the no. of total tillers and check the functional ones, then make a record.
Take pictures
Check within 14-21 days after application which has better panicle length.
Choose randomly at least 10-20 panicles per variety, and measure the length using a ruler, then record.
Take pictures side by side per variety
Get at least 10-20 panicles per variety (if possible).
Count each grain and weigh in bulk.
Get the total weight harvest per variety and compare.
Ask your cooperator their honest opinion on JACKPOT 102 in comparison with their preferred variety. He may have observed it differently.
Make a summary of the data you have gathered to your cooperator. Send as well the data to the Technical Department.
Each distribution area for LEADS Agri is obliged to identify 5 key BLOs (with at least 5 has owned) each in Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao to participate in the challenge.
All inputs (seeds, fertilizers, pesticides) good for 1 hectare and JACKPOT 102 technology protocol will be provided by LEADS Agri.
Each area will assign a TPS to carefully monitor, observe and record the activities. This is to verify that the participant is following our instructions for production.
The challenge*: If Jackpot 102 fresh yield is below 8MT/ha, BLO will not pay the inputs, if above 8MT/ha, need to pay.
Only applies if the farmer strictly follows the JACKPOT (WINALL 102) PRODUCTION CHALLENGE PROTOCOL. So stringent monitoring is important. In case of natural calamities, the farmer doesn’t need to pay if it is before harvest, and below 8MT/ha. -
All participating BLOs who are successful in making at least 8MT/ha will be honored with a JACKPOT 102 HARVEST FESTIVAL event. The top three (3) performers each for Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao based on yield will receive cash prizes: Php 50,000.00 for the 1st placer, Php 30,000.00 for the 2nd placer and Php 20,000.00 for the 3rd placer. TPS/CPR assigned to the winning BLOs will receive Php 10,000.00 each. Aside from the cash prize, the farmer will receive a plaque of appreciation and recognition for the 1st ever JACKPOT (WINALL 102) PRODUCTION CHALLENGE. Standard protocol for the event will be implemented.
All corresponding information on the challenge will be properly recorded for internal use.